Scandalous genius Sergei Yesenin

Scandalous genius Sergei Yesenin

    The great Russian poet Sergei Yesenin probably familiar to you from the school, and he is remembered not only for its original creation, but a hard life.

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     Yesenin came from a poor peasant family, and initially appeared before the public in the form of a village close to him a simpleton. When his poem "Hooligan" was greeted with a very warm audience, the poet, without thinking twice, corrected image appears in the guise of a bully, and the brawler.

     To maintain the integrity of the image, and he began to drink alcohol, at first in small numbers, for easy enthusiasm and high spirits. Yesenin did not skimp on the emotions - and in the works, and in life - filling every line and action with something dynamic and colorful. Subject womanizing and alcoholism is clearly discernible in his poems, he did not disdain the author and use of abusive words and vernacular vocabulary than won the love of the common people.

     After years of city life Yesenin decided to update the image representation in the form of a generous urban dude treats listeners in pubs drink at his own expense. At the same time he himself is addicted to alcohol more than they should. Subsequently, the poet several times found himself in hospital for drunks and the mentally ill. After another "time" he could not resist leaning severity of depression and, according to the official version, committed suicide at the age of 30 years.

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