Plant "CHZDA" started domestic sales of moonshine line "Gorilych" double distillation obemy distillation cube 10 liters.
The appearance of these options moonshine double distillation is the result of proven alloy folk methods and modern technology combine to achieve impressive results in the treatment of distillates, convenience operation moonshine and a significant reduction in the time the distillation process.
Now double distillation process combined into one continuous distillation vicious cycle, in which, the product can be safely oharakterizhovat as "crystal" clear.
It should be noted the active participation of our customers and their numerous recommendations and suggestions, which, thus, contributed to the development of the new items - household moonshine "Gorilych" double distillation.

Send us your comments, recommendations and suggestions - our technical service is required to consider the expansion of their range of models of domestic moonshine "Gorilych".